How do you choose a thread title?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by KatherineEspair, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. Sekah

    Sekah Newcomer Game Owner

    Half the time it's classic literature and poetry. I'm a classics buff, tbqh.
  2. Ghostling

    Ghostling Newcomer

    I definitely use lyrics, or I recycle old thread titles from other users because I'm unoriginal x)
  3. Vroguard

    Vroguard Fresh Blood

    I always try to make it sound original, and if nothing comes up, I just make a phrase that I think summarizes the first post or the general direction of the thread.
  4. rhysie

    rhysie Newcomer

    Usually from some phrase I'll see on tv, but trying to make it original yet relevant to the topic at hand.
  5. Shaman110

    Shaman110 Newcomer

    I usually just write the first thing that comes to mind, while also trying to give people who see the title an idea of what the thread is actually about.
    Elena likes this.
  6. Skysails

    Skysails Newcomer Game Owner

  7. Zozma

    Zozma Spider Demon Game Owner

    Usually song lyrics but the last few were just common phrases:

    Justice For All (cops looking to expose dirty cops)
    High Score (two people hanging out in an arcade, one trying to hook the other up with his sister)
    Art of Persuasion (procurer for a prostitution ring trying to procure a man who turns out to be a cambion, turning the tables on himself)
  8. turtle

    turtle Newcomer

    If I don't think of something off the top of my head...honestly, I go through my itunes and pick a song title/lyric that fits what I wrote.
  9. korinxyla

    korinxyla Newcomer

    I tend to avoid song lyrics as much as possible; I occassionally make them descriptive/flat, but not too literal. Usually I write my post first and get inspiration from what's happening in the post, what is planned for the thread, the character involved, etc. For example, some of my recent-ish thread titles:

    "Return of the Snake Eater" - character reunited with her brother who once caught a snake and took it to a meeting
    "Frozen Raindrops" - character was practicing ice magic
    "The Old Ways" - character was teaching youngsters about their culture/traditions
  10. Enzeru

    Enzeru Newcomer

    I try to keep it simple, make it relate to the thread in some way, and maybe add a bit of poetic flair. There's no science to it, just whatever feels right for the plot previously discussed.
  11. Ayryn

    Ayryn Fresh Blood

    I like to make mine either witty quips or allude to a greater meaning of the post. Plot or story wise, that is.
    Enzeru likes this.
  12. I go with what they're doing and maybe make the title a lyric or quote or joke based on that.
  13. hayomayo

    hayomayo Newcomer

    for me it's usually puns or quotes. c:
  14. Wiley

    Wiley Newcomer

    Typically, I will pick relevant song lyrics or just name the thread after whatever is going on in said thread.
  15. I don't like using song lyrics at all, if only because that tends to make threads sound like they were named by Fall Out Boy. I've used song titles before, but mostly I like to come up with my own. Lots of my titles end up with only one word. Like others, I try to anticipate the direction or mood of the thread and go from there.
  16. ziggyest

    ziggyest Newcomer

    lyric snippets or interesting quotes are my way to go.
  17. PegasusFleet

    PegasusFleet Newcomer Game Owner

    I usually try and come up with something but often snippets and things heard on TV or in a movie work really well because it plants the seed of "I'm sure I've heard that somewhere before!" in people's head and makes them want to jump in for a look.
  18. Nathan Hunter

    Nathan Hunter Resident Game Owner

    Personally I just shoot for something that 'sounds' appropriate but is interesting enough to warrant a look
  19. massacrahamster

    massacrahamster Newcomer Game Owner

    For me it varies at lot. Sometimes I'll have a thread title in my head the moment I start writing the thread for people, other times I'll aggressively scroll through Spotify for an hour before I find a title that suits the thread.
    Mainly I like to do corny titles and song titles. I have always been lame in that way.
  20. It really depends on my mood and the tone I want to set. Might do something funny if it isn't serious. Usually a lyric or something if it is supposed to be serious.