Favorite RP Genre

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Carv, Aug 6, 2016.

  1. LasValencia

    LasValencia Newcomer Game Owner

    supernatural, modern, fantasy
  2. behemoth

    behemoth Newcomer

    lately it's been supernatural, either modern fantasy or medieval era fantasies!
  3. Nia

    Nia Newcomer Game Owner

    Animals are my favorite but more specifically canine :D
  4. Super DB Universe

    Super DB Universe Newcomer Game Owner

    Anime. I simply love how open it can be, almost literally limitless!
  5. mystic by moonlight

    mystic by moonlight Newcomer Game Owner

    Modern Supernatural. I like that I don't have to worry about second-guessing myself in regards to things like clothing, technology etc gives me more freedom but then adding the Supernatural element gives me that place to be more creative.
  6. MeganChan

    MeganChan Resident Game Owner

    Mostly fantasy. Sometimes some sci-fi.
  7. I like nearly every genre. I'm a huge sucker for anything fantasy or dystopian. I like having romance in my RPs as well. Not as the whole focus, since that gets pretty dull quickly, but alongside other things. I especially love it when I can build an entire world from scratch with my partner!
  8. LunarScorpio

    LunarScorpio Newcomer Game Owner

    Modern fantasy is my favorite; though, there are some fandoms that I really enjoy too. But yeah, if I had to pick one genre of roleplay, it would be modern fantasy hands down, every time.
  9. Cheshire

    Cheshire Newcomer Game Owner

    Animals are my favorite. Abilities are a close second. They flip-flop often.
  10. Krank

    Krank Newcomer Game Owner

    Original dark fantasy hands down. I cannot for the life of me get into any sort of fandom anything. Give me original lore in an original setting with crazy Gothic-inspired supernatural beasties and I'm a happy camper.
  11. Vermilion

    Vermilion Newcomer

    Some of my favorite RP genres are supernatural, fantasy, and animanga.
  12. StarWarsGC

    StarWarsGC Newcomer

    Fantasy and Star Wars!!!
  13. Sere

    Sere Resident Game Owner

    I like modern supernatural, real life, historical, historical/fantasy... I mean I like a lot of stuff. I have RP ADD.
  14. Aisling

    Aisling Newcomer Game Owner

    Definitely horror / grimmdark /adventure.

    I honestly dabble in a little bit of everything though.
  15. Boneshakers

    Boneshakers Newcomer Game Owner

    I tend to play mostly supernatural/urban fantasy; I have always enjoyed hardcore cyberpunk, but have yet to find a really good site to satisfy that particular itch.
  16. NessaXO

    NessaXO Newcomer Game Owner

    High Fantasy with an Anime aesthetic :]
  17. Sivvi

    Sivvi Newcomer

    Between Slice of Life and High Fantasy. High Fantasy because I prefer creating my own world, and own races, and not have to care about accuracy in the world. Slice of Life because there are a lot of interesting facets of life you can explore and research. Also gives a chance to see things from a different perspective.
  18. soar

    soar Newcomer Game Owner

    I started out writing wolves, but recently I've shifted towards humans in fantasy settings. As for the fantasy aspect, I much prefer it on a milder side than High Fantasy.
  19. Nefertari

    Nefertari Fresh Blood

    Supernatural/fantasy, anything magical, romance
  20. Squishy24601

    Squishy24601 Resident Game Owner

    Probably fantasy, more specifically any fantasy that has a historical or historical-esque setting. I've never felt as though I was 'meant' for this world and these roleplays provide a form of escapism for me. Honestly, I think I understand the rules of the fantasy worlds I roleplay in more than I do the rules of the real world. I'm also quite partial to historical roleplay and dystopia.