Dragon's Edge (Discussion)

Discussion in 'Game News & Discussions' started by Hiccup, Jun 16, 2017.

  1. Hiccup

    Hiccup Newcomer Game Owner

  2. Hiccup

    Hiccup Newcomer Game Owner

    The site's theme has recently been re-done to a much more streamlined and easy to navigate form! The Chatbox is no longer hiding nestled at the bottom, so finding it should be a lot less annoying than it was previously!
  3. Hiccup

    Hiccup Newcomer Game Owner

    After the theme I put on that was mentioned in the last post, there was a whole menagerie of bugs and screw ups, I ended up having to put together a new skin for it, and as I have not found a single goof on this iteration of the skin, this one is here to stay! ^^