Chat boxes

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by thewanderer2156, Sep 16, 2017.

  1. Doutaini

    Doutaini Fresh Blood

    We have a paid cbox for regular chat but use Discord for specific channels. Both get pretty decent use! The cbox can be a little annoying given that it's a paid product, but it's nice to have something onsite that doesn't ask people to register.
  2. ulla

    ulla Newcomer

    i'm finding that a mix of the cboxes from (since they're free + have an easy UI) and a community discord is working best for me these days
  3. denethorii

    denethorii Newcomer

    I was a bit stubborn with Discord 3 months ago when my site members told me we should get a server... the other admin had never used it either so we were like... meh... but when I finally broke down and figured out how to use it a month or so later I am soooo glad I did. We've had so much community bonding since then. Love it. We still have our c-box on the side that guests hop into and I post announcements and random things there along with the other members so people see that we're active but the Discord is hopping most days. I love it, and it's free. Love that it has a phone app too.
  4. tina

    tina Guest

    Cbox discord is new for me and not so easy to use
  5. Raveflames

    Raveflames Newcomer Game Owner

    I use Discord and embed it on my site. It's great! ~