USS Malinche

Independent Prometheus class Star Trek simm set in 2394.

The USS Malinche is a Prometheus class vessel operating in the year 2394. We are an Independent 18+ phpBB simm which has been operational since July 2004. So, if you're looking for a place to call home, look no further!

Starfleet uniform: 300 credits. Type 1 phaser: 1000 credits. Standard issue tricorder: 800 credits. A berth aboard the USS Malinche... priceless. The tools are useless without a place to use them.

In the past 13 years, the Malinche's brave, eccentric, and sometimes downright crazy crew have gone on many adventures. From Klingons to Romulans, from encountering new races to being pied in the face - this crew knows excitement!

Now you too can be a part of the madness! For the low price of 0 strips of latinum, you can join the always vigilant and exciting Malinche crew!

Where will we be headed next? Investigating the disappearance of colonists? Taking part in one of Q's 'lessons'? Or perhaps looking into the mysterious partially Borg-assimilated technology they've come across?

Currently the Malinche is in need of the following Senior Staff Positions:
  • Chief Security/Tactical Officer - You want to blow things up, right?
  • Chief Medical Officer - Someone has to patch us up.
  • Chief Science Officer - Who else can bust us out of a spatial anomaly?
  • Chief Counselor - Someone has to try to keep us sane...

Join today! Fulfill your destiny (for free!) and save the world...err...galaxy!

After all...who ya gonna call?

Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A