The Expanse RP

An unofficial board inspired by the tv series, "The Expanse". A futuristic, sci-fi forum where you can be a Belter, Martian, or Earther.

The Expanse RP - An unofficial board inspired by the tv series, "The Expanse".  A futuristic, sci-fi forum where you can be a Belter, Martian, or Earther.

Hundreds of years in the future, humans have colonized the solar system. Humanity has expanded and reached for the stars. Earth has become more than simply the birthplace of our species, but as the United Nations, just one of the few active governments within the Solar System.

We have split ourselves far and wide across the nearby expanses of space. Mars, once an independent colony, long ago broke off from the government of Earth in the first Interplanetary war, becoming an independent state as the Martian Congressional Republic and operating its own military.

Both governments utilize those humans who live on a vast array of space stations and moon bases across the solar system, these ‘belters’, live supposedly independent lives, though are economically and militarily inferior to both Mars and Earth.

Fear, tension, and hate rise throughout the solar system as Belter’s have their limited resources tightened and Earth carefully watches Mars in a powerful game of interstellar dominance.

The Expanse RP Board is an unofficial, alternate universe, original character roleplay and fan-fiction board inspired by the books and tv series “The Expanse”. A futuristic, sci-fi forum where you can be a Belter, Martian, or Earther.

Join the Factions of the Solar system as they vie for the power of the protomolecule whilst existing on the precipice of disaster. Freeform, sandbox roleplaying forum.>

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