City Of Meropis!

City of Meropis is Tech vs Magi; plus it's home to many magical/mythical beings.

At the turn of the 29th century, technology soared. Growing ever so rapidly; taking the years by storm as many became more technically inclined. Inventors grew more powerful; the quicker the ideas were thought up the faster they were produced; the higher the demand became. Half way through the 29th century, City of Meropis was born: a city built fully automated, technically inclined and of robotics. For example, everyone had a robot maid; cars which drove and parked themselves that everyone was a passenger in a car. Police forces were made of Humans and few robots. Soldiers who lose arms or even legs got cybertronics put in and their skin was made to cover it making it look real-if they choose to have it covered. The robotics was tapped into the nerve system; making them move look and react as if they were real. Loss of limbs became a term of the long distant past.

City of Meropis; was built and created before it started to take on itself where the city grew and built on its own but Meropis didn’t stay that way. There were a group of settlers from a simpler time; still growing strong with a different set of beliefs was brought to the city. The Magi entered the City of Meropis, following a woman by the name Lady Asha Zoroas. Lady Asha Zoroas was a leader, a priestess of a different era of time; leading the Magi’s and she claimed a bad future for Gaia (the earth). Lady Asha Zoroas came out of the shadows; allowing the world to know the Magi exists and how they live along with their beliefs. Lady Asha Zoroas challenged the leader, creator and founder of the City of Meropis; James Smith, Captain James Smith.

James Smith slowed the production of City of Meropis; and worked on finding a common ground with Lady Asha Zoroas. This was when the City of Meropis became divided; creating Valencia the side of human military, technology, and robotics; the home to the future of technical devices of all shapes, sizes and kinds then Reynes the side of the Magi, supernatural beings, and those of the Gaia; those with the beliefs that Gaia is alive just as any other living breathing being who inhabits it. Everything that has a spirit, has a life, has a name is born from Gaia; earth, mother of all and the father sky. Magi’s believe everything is connected; and depends on everything for each of their survival, circle of life. James Smith and Asha Zoroas attempted to merge the two groups. Many of which were against the opposing side; the techs believed the technology wouldn’t harm something that wasn’t exactly a live like the earth. The Magi’s believed the techs were trying to kill everything Gaia created for their own easy and polluted life style.

During the transition from the 29th century into 30th James Smith and Asha Zoroas was found dead. With their death, unleashed a war throughout the City of Meropis; spreading to countless masses of the world. The techs waging war against the Magi; blaming them for murdering James Smiths; believing the Magi planed his death to destroy the technical world. The Magi’s waging war against the Techs; blaming for murdering Asha Zoroas and James Smith, framing the Magi’s. Giving the Techs just cause and reason to remove the Magi and destroy their world with the harmful technology.

It was half way through the 30th century, during the war which broke out after their deaths; the techs and magi’s who could find common ground and did get along created the Reverie Delusionary Tower district. It’s a neutral zone; where anyone caught, be them Tech or Magi raising an armed hand or force to attack in means to kill the opposing side, can be held for murder. Reverie Delusionary Tower district is a safe place for all; no matter what side they chose if they did; or those who belong and is enlisted on a particular side. However; there are some murders found here which are done in the dead of night since the bodies are found come morning; but then Meropis is the center of a war and neutral placement or not; it’s not possible to keep the murders from happening.

Now, in the 31th century and the longest recorded war in history still going strong as it did when it first started. With two equal sides. Both alike in skill and in dignity. In fair City of Meropis is where we lay our scene. From ancient grudge break to new mutiny. Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth fatal loins of these two foes. Whole misadventure piteous over throws. Is now the two hour’s traffic of our stage; which if you with patient ears attend, what here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend. Where one side has explosives and bombs, the other has fireballs and strong air-spells. Androids are akin to Golems, guns to ice-arrows, and so-on.

Will the war continue? Will the war Subside? Who will win this war? Will there be justice? Will the Mundanes over power the church?