
we have a gift for you.

Nothing's perfect. At least, that's what everyone is raised to believe. Nothing is perfect, so there is a continuous motion towards the idea of perfection. Or settle for mediocrity, but who reallywants to do that? An endless struggle, striving for something that may not exist. The idea alone is enough to drive a person mad, and in plenty of cases, it has done exactly that. Not one person is immune to the desire of wanting to be the greatest they can be. Imagine this concept, but as an entire nation. An entire world. An entire universe.

There are millions of different universes, and one of them, above all others, possesses the ability to become perfect, if only the people could figure out a way to achieve their goal. There are portals here, snatching people out of their own respective universes and bringing them back. And then, something spectacular happens. Each person receives a gift upon their arrival. Something magnificent; something to make the people believe they are special. The ability to heal, the ability to control time - anything imaginable. At first, it seemed as though the portals chose at random who they brought back, and in an imperfect world, that simply would not do. There had to be a way to tweak it in favor of good, so that the could sift out the people that brought crime, death, and hardship. There had to be a way to truly create the perfect world. The perfect universe. 
As is common for humanity, though, things don't always go as planned, and this instance was no different. While the intentions of the people were good, they could not bend the portals to their will, and as a consequence, things got worse. Why? Nobody is really sure of, but some believe that the portals had a mind of their own and started spitting back more bad than good, as punishment for humanity's poking and prodding. With the hoards of new incomers, there are people who can fight back, as well. Something to make the people believe that there is still a chance. Perhaps there is hope. Hope for the perfect world that they tried so hard to achieve. Perhaps hope is for fools, and people who are too weak to take matters into their own hands. Still, humanity continues to fight with the portals, and as a result, the portals continue to fight back.