Dogs or Cats?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Stormhelm Kingdom, Jul 22, 2016.


Are you more of a dog or cat person?

  1. Dog

  2. Cat

  1. Risalyn

    Risalyn Newcomer Game Owner

    I've owned both. I still prefer dogs.
  2. Sadrienne

    Sadrienne Resident Game Owner

    Cats. Always and forever. A dog will love and love and love without condition.

    But when a cat shows affection, you know you're an excellent human. XD
  3. Solaris

    Solaris Newcomer Game Owner

    Haha, cats.
  4. Susan Scuro

    Susan Scuro Newcomer

    Good idea. Cat lover here,.
  5. Meow

    Meow Newcomer Game Owner

    While growing up had dogs for family pets...but I'm more of a cat person, if you couldn't tell.
  6. Camy

    Camy Newcomer Game Owner

    Cats <3
  7. BlackDahliaRP

    BlackDahliaRP Newcomer Game Owner

    This is what I aspire to be.
  8. tearian

    tearian Newcomer Game Owner

    I really love dogs, even if I love cats and their independence! I don't know, I guess it's all personal preference, but since cats just seem like your chill roommate for me, a dog just seem like that buddy that will always be up for cuddles when you're feeling down.
  9. White Diamond

    White Diamond Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm more of a dog person but in rl I'm allergic when it comes to both cats and dogs fur, allergies for days x.x
  10. BobbyB

    BobbyB Resident Game Owner

    Why isn't "both" an option. Cause I love both for their own reasons. Cats are delightfully catty and dogs are wonderfully loyal and friendly. Cats are like that housemate that you talk with and have a decent understanding with, while dogs are the roomy that require constant attention and get excited over everything.
  11. Zapy97

    Zapy97 Resident Game Owner

    Cats are the pet master race.
  12. Dogs, hands down. I find them more intelligent and easier to work with where most of the cats I've had have been uncooperative jerks. Most of the cats that I have liked have been those with very dog like temperaments.

    I also have to say that litter boxes are a massive con against cats. They smell terrible, and it doesn't matter how often they're cleaned or how well maintained they are they always stink. People become desensitized/nose blind to the smell pretty easily so they don't notice, but its definitely there. I can't tell you how many cat owning friends I have that will tell you that there is no litter box odor in their house, and that you can't smell a thing. Yes. Yes you can.
  13. pluto

    pluto Newcomer

    I'm allergic to cats so I voted dog, but I still like cats. >.<
  14. kismetdivided

    kismetdivided Newcomer Game Owner

    However, I don't think I'm a suitable dog owner. I love them both, but I prefer cats. (I'm allergic to both, but I take antihistamines & steroids for the allergies)
  15. Felix

    Felix Newcomer

    Definitely both! But cats right now, until I have the right space for dogs.
  16. It depends on the home. You have a big yard or a farm or some such, gotta go with dog, cause it doesn't have to be in the house.
    But I will take a cat over a small dog pretty much every time.
    Given that I have a suitable home, I will choose dog.
  17. aalyoshka

    aalyoshka Newcomer Game Owner

    I feel like I'm an odd case sometimes because I really prefer cats but I've always had a dog. Wanted a cat for years but my mother always hated them and now my landlord doesn't allow pets so...someday!
  18. Stardust Dragon

    Stardust Dragon Newcomer

    Dogs. I've never actually owned a cat, though, so maybe I'm biased.
  19. Gibson

    Gibson Newcomer Game Owner

    I like dogs but I prefer cats. Nothing beats picking up a warm purring ball of floof.
  20. Larks

    Larks Fresh Blood

    WOW 5050
    Shriker likes this.
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