Frequently Asked Questions

Does my site have to be self-hosted in order to be listed?

No. Your site can be hosted on whatever kind of server, using whatever kind of software you like (free or otherwise). RPGfix does not discriminate in regards to site software.

Does my site have to have a Universal RPG Rating?

No, the Universal RPG Rating is completely opt-in. We simply chose to integrate it with our directory because it is such a great idea. We highly recommend adding a rating for your site.

Learn more about the Universal RPG Rating and why it's awesome.

How will I know if my site has been accepted into the directory?

You will receive an automated conversation (PM) when your site submission has been processed.

If you receive a conversation telling you that your site submission has been deleted, please take a moment to review our rules before attempting to submit again.

How do I get Loyalty Tokens?

You get one Loyalty Token :loyalty: for every day that you log on and visit RPGfix.

Do the sites that I submit have to be a forum-based?

Absolutely not. RPGfix will accept any site, regardless of its role-playing medium, just as long as there are role-playing elements. This means that role-play chat sites, PBeMs, PBBGs, MMORPGs, and then some, are more than welcome.
FAQ Manager ©2019 Iversia from RPGfix.