
Futuristic sci-fi without the laser guns, aliens and cyborgs.

They say they're here to help.
Four hundred soldiers were dropped on Initium today. Four hundred Alliance soldiers poured out of a massive Alliance ship and right onto Initium dust. No one told us they were coming. There was no warning, no explanation-- nothing. They came armed but with their weapons holstered. They walked right through the heart of town, like a bunch of clones all lined up n' outfitted in their shiny uniforms, and then they disappeared into the Initium Hall. We haven't seen a single one since.
Some of us panicked when we saw the ship. We thought we were done for, that the Alliance was gonna come n' smother our colony n' leave no trace of it behind-- like Appia and Hillian, if you believe the rumors. Yet they didn't even acknowledge us, and after the initial shock, everyone just seemed to stare. Some people hid, but the rest of us just watched as the soldiers paraded through town.
Rumors are flying. Everyone seems to be whispering about what they've seen and heard n' what it all might mean, but me-- I'm stuck on something. Those soldiers landed and went right to Initium Hall. They went straight there, and they went inside, and they've been there for hours. Marcus Caine let them in and let them stay. He didn't do a thing to stop them . . .
Resistance may be futile, as they say, but I thought he was better than that. I didn't think he'd sit down n' let some Alliance scum take over our colony.
. . . then again, I'm not sure why they'd even want it. Initium's just a dusty moon. We don't have any resources. We aren't some big trading center. We've hardly even got a militia to put together.
I guess I'm just not sure of anything anymore. All I can do is wait. All we can do is wait and hope they leave soon.Cally Michaels, 26
7-month resident of the colony of Initium
Anti-Alliance Fringer