Delectable Desires

AU Anita Blake Board

New Orleans A place of Decadence, Desire and Death.
Five years ago Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and not only left the human population in shambles but the Vampires and the rest of the Supernatural world as well. Crevan, the Master Vampire of the City of New Orleans for the last twenty years was finally overthrown during the Chaos that ensued as the Hurricane ripped through the city. Crevan was corrupt and his power was challenged during the last two years of his reign. Course despite Crevan being overthrown there was no Vampire strong enough to completely take over the City, which left New Orleans in complete chaos.Alair,  a Master Vampire, and Ysabel Reinhart, his human servant, have spent the last ten years in Japan. Alair had been learning under the Master of a City in Japan when  Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and as he and Ysabel had been wanting for years now to come to the states,  Alair was told by his Master to go to New Orleans upon learning of the Chaos consuming the city. Six months after Katrina, Alair and Ysabel entered New Orleans. Since arriving Alair has built his power base from literally the ground up. His rise to power has not been easy though. He had to fight to gain his position, which took a little over a year to do. Since gaining Master of the City status Alair has reorganized and rebuilt New Orleans not only for the Vampires but for the humans as well.Alair has created businesses, very successful ones, that help keep his power base up and his social status in tack. Alair as also formed a triumvirate between him Ysabel and Dane the Ulfric of the Werewolf clan in New Orleans, as Werewolves are Alair’s animal to call. Dane and his clan are loyal to Alair now and help strengthen Alair’s power when called to do so.
Despite Alair being firmly in place he is not immune to other Vampires trying to attack and overthrow him. He has a weakness though tries hard to hide it. He’s not a strict or cruel Vampire and often is seen as soft. Ysabel keeps Alair from becoming like many other Vampires, though he will and can at times let out his more feral side in order to keep his position.
The city is flourishing and more and more people are coming to the great place known as New Orleans. Some will be new allies others will be a great threat to the city and all who reside here.
Come to New Orleans and pick your poison Decadence, Desire or Death.