What is your favourite roleplay moment?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Shriker, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Tell us about what happened. Did it change your character forever? Was it a small detail that you will always cherish? Was it painful or joyful?
  2. Meushell

    Meushell Resident Game Owner

    Aside from learning about roleplaying in the first place, I don't have a favorite moment. I could also include, discovering forum roleplays, because I started out with chat roleplays. There are many things I've enjoyed. Creating new characters. Good roleplay sessions. Exploring my character's history or writing what he/she is off on his/her own.

    I don't think I could figure out one moment, or even a moment per character, especially for characters I roleplayed for years.
    Elena likes this.
  3. Kitsufox
    Caffeine Fix

    Kitsufox Resident Game Owner

    This wasn't forum based, but in my Home Dungeons and Dragons group, we were starting a new party. It was the second game with all the characters together... and the adventure had just rolled to a close and the characters are all complicated people (the DM had asked for everyone to come up with a Skeleton to be in the closet). We ended up spending an hour in full RP, in character, in which the characters discussed and bonded, and even disclosed some of the situation.

    It was just a great moment, and I'm happy as a clam that I ended up getting really nice Audio of the whole thing (I record audio for games from this group, mostly for myself and shiggles). I ended up going through and cleaning that up to post online for the group.

    It was so much fun, and stands out as my favorite Moment with Asaelae (my half-elf Rogue) and the rest of the party (A Bugbear named Rachet, a Minotaur named Zinnia, and a shifter named Dara). Asaelae is easily the most emotionally screwed up, so having a situation in which she admitted to some of her rougher history (only some, mind) and actually opened up to others was awesome. It was completely natural, and when one character revealed something, it made it easier for the next to open up, too. Up until that point everything they'd told each other had been very vanilla and scrubbed clean of the deeper truths and the darker spots. It was nice to see them all throw open the floodgates.
  4. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    I'd have to say that some of my favourite moments have happened in D&D as well. I had a half-elf Druid (3.5 edition) who was absolutely obsessed with snakes and destroying everything that she thought was an abomination of nature. It was a pretty bad (but great) character flaw, considering that she'd try to start up a fight with anyone who didn't look like they were from the forest. I also had a very questionable Tiefling Rogue (4th edition, but we don't speak of it much) who was also pretty fun to play. Although... I spent a lot of that campaign drinking, which also could have explained the fun.
  5. Kitsufox
    Caffeine Fix

    Kitsufox Resident Game Owner

    I love the fatal flaw. Asaelae lies. Alot. Sort of compulsively. To the point where I have a notebook devoted to tracking what she's told whom. Asaelae lies to the party, both by omission and by choice.

    Your druid sounds fun. She'd fit right into several different parties I've been a part of...
  6. NekoHime

    NekoHime Newcomer

    For me it has to be when my male charie who has been brainwash as a child to believe that he is girl. Only to be told by a wrack doctor who used dolls to explain that he was boy. This is one memory and post that is only happy today that has change my charie a little because he now believe that this doctor is crazy but has taken a interest in this doctor's work and want to learn more about it.
  7. Zozma

    Zozma Spider Demon Game Owner

    All the D&D talk reminded me of my weirdo wizard, Galadan. He specialized in summoning and preferred to stay way out of the way when it came to battles because he was a horrendous coward. Now, in one adventure, our characters were exploring this dungeon and our warrior tripped up a trap because we were IDIOTS and had no rogues in the team (seriously, we were a warrior, barbarian, druid, and wizard). Anyway, the warrior has fallen into a pit of acid and he's taking damage every turn. He's too heavy for myself and the druid to get out so the barbarian is pulling him up. By the time the warrior gets to us, he's unconscious and probably has skin peeling away everywhere due to the acid. My character kicks him back into the pit of acid because he doesn't want to drag him around and the warrior dies. LOL This was my first time playing D&D, keep in mind. It was definitely a dick move but my character was supposed to be CE sooo... He wasn't nice (and we all affectionately referred to him as the Minion type of evil, since he was such a coward but still wicked hearted.)

    We all laughed about it for ages and the guy with the warrior ended up rolling a new much needed rogue for the team (who was later replaced by a gigantically fat dwarf in leather BDSM getup.) I really miss that group. They were great. Subsequent groups just never were the same because they're not into the RP aspect. They're more about rushing through and killing things, which bores me.
  8. Krause

    Krause Newcomer

    It's so hard for me to pick, there was this one moment in a thread where they met during the night and there was a bit of combat between the two of them. The entire thing was great fun for the two characters that had never met, the end of the thread was them calling a ceasefire as the sunrose and it was a really cheesey perfect-timing moment. It started a ship too, one that sails to this day. It's one of those 'you had to be there' moments.

    If I had to pick a different moment, it would probably be from a D&D game where my character had failed to do anything of use throughout the entire session and then when I was asked what to do in a fight I said 'claw at their faces'. Turns out that all of the rolls were perfect, so the petite little mage ended up clawing someone's face off and everyone else was just staring in awe at what had just happened.
    Kitsufox likes this.
  9. There are so many favorites. Since I play mostly freeform RPG and the goal is character development, there is usually a moment, especially on my long term played characters that something is revealed that has always been there. It's just that I've just discovered it...yet looking back through logs and things that were done and said, it's obvious that it was there all along. It's an eerie feeling, almost as if your character is an entity and knew while you didn't. Though it's likely in my subconscious the whole time, I wasn't aware until that "revelation moment."
  10. My goodness, so many D&D players here. I've never played D&D so my roleplay experience is in the literate world... but that's okay.

    My favorite roleplaying experience was when I was role playing, I created a standard reply and hit that submit button, right? Wrong. Over a course of three days, I had a lot of people laughing at me and my post (at the time I hadn't proof-read that post shamefully). So... I decided to see what was so funny since no-one was going to tell me. After re-reading my lastest reply, I found something that made me realized two things.

    First, I made a typo. An ordinary typo but it transformed the context of it. My female character had just met a new character and was only trying to introduce herself to a guy named Reese. The original INTENDED sentence was, "She took a hold of his hand, shaking firmly and thought about how his name made her think of a cop. She hated cops but it was necessary to do regardless." Fair enough, right? I was a horrible writer at the time... sue me. But what I ACTUALLY wrote was, "She took a hold of his hard, shaking firmly and thought about how his name made her think of a cop. She hated cops but it was necessary to do regardless."

    This is when, second, I realized that the role playing world was filled with giggling perverts. But it's still my favorite moment. I'll never forget it... or live it down considering I still role play with some of the same players from back then.8D
    Elena likes this.
  11. schrutie

    schrutie Newcomer

    Hm, my favorite roleplay moment. I have this alien character that I play over IM rp with a pal. I have favorite little moments where she's trying to learn human culture because she's doing undercover planetary research for her people... it makes me giggle to come up with new interactions that she can completely eff.

    My favorite would have to be her confusion about how to eat a hotdog. She looked at it and tried to reason out how to eat it based on other food she'd experienced, so she ended up taking a bite from the middle like a hamburger. The human she stays with kind of freaked out because they're at a ball park and they're two seemingly grown women, one with mustard, ketchup, and chili on her face from her hotdog. She's a little bit uptight and doesn't know how to have fun so she's all 'omg that's not how you eat a hotdog!'. Idk it's always fun to come up with little events that make her look very quirky to the humans she stays with. Like she can calculate how to throw a curve ball to knock down those rigged carnival games while getting splinters in her mouth from a corn dog because she learned how to eat a hotdog the proper way and you generally eat ALL of a hotdog.
  12. theAfanc

    theAfanc Newcomer

    I LOVE Warriors sites and I typically play elders. I have a boy who lost an eye to a Badger and had to retire early. Well on one site, he saved the deputies life and int he same battle, the leader died. She became leader and she un-retired him and made him her deputy. We we both so honoured.
    Kitsufox and Shriker like this.
  13. Divia

    Divia Newcomer

    My favorite (and coincidentally, the least favorite) moment of RP was when I decided to kill off my long-time favorite character - a Jedi Knight named Serena Elysar. It was quite heart-wrenching to write out her final moments, but I believe it was the most challenging point of my role-playing days. I firmly believe it had made me a better writer in spite of the tragic subject matter that required great sensitivity and letting go on the part of the character's creator to make it happen.
  14. Jero

    Jero Fresh Blood

    1) When a Star Destroyer, (which had been my main character's home for an in-character decade), crashed into a planet's surface in the middle of a war taking place in space and planetside.

    2) When one of our main Player Characters finally got married after several OOC years of build-up.

    3) When, at the wedding, the new bride was brutally murdered by the groom's (plot twist) brother.
    Shriker likes this.
  15. PKMNostalgia

    PKMNostalgia Newcomer Game Owner

    I don't have a favorite moment per say. I often get the most joy when a player RPs out their character's flaws even if it could make for some serious consequences for them.
  16. rhysie

    rhysie Newcomer

    I tend to make the primary character I use out there, not really have much responsibility, then have something happen which changes him and shows a more serious side. This could happen through someone he was close to dying, or in one case he died to be possessed by an evil demon, but then he was ressurrected.
  17. JMT

    JMT Newcomer

    Honestly, my favorite moment is when a roleplay comes full circle. When you actually have a full story in one nice glorious arc that went from start to finish. I feel like it's so rare to stay together so long that you actually get to complete a story or story line and it's so beautiful and fulfilling when it does. I've only had it happen a handful of times, but, man, I wouldn't trade those times for anything.
  18. SRWIgnition

    SRWIgnition Newcomer Game Owner

    When my players are Marking out, for sure. When they feel important, that their character has made a difference, and they're totally sucked in to the story. It not only makes them feel good, but it makes me feel good to have a hand in helping them feel that way.
  19. BritAlyQN

    BritAlyQN Newcomer

    For me, it's when my character takes on a presense of their own. They tell me something I don't know about them. Oftentimes it's unexpected. I write my characters with certain goals and traits,things I expect from them basically. Not all my characters are forthcoming.
  20. WCARPG

    WCARPG Newcomer

    Oh man, a lot of D&D talk!

    I would say my favorite RP moment in a forum would have to be recently in my Warrior's RP: The site was doing a plot event for the whole website, and I had a character I didn't really have much character development done with (I have a bad habit of making too many characters, whoops!). I decided to throw this boy in there--a lazy, new warrior who had just left home after a major heartbreak and was ready for some nice juicy development.

    The leader of the group he joined died, and suddenly he found himself the only person willing to step up to the task. It was quite unexpected since I hadn't meant much by having him join, but that responsibility became a big part of his characters and help him return home and face the heartbreak that had caused him to leave. He's a much more enjoyable character to write, now.

    If we were talking D&D though, I think it would definitely be when my Tiefling Rogue formed a bond with the half-elf warlock. He went from a distrustful, flippant jerk to suddenly having someone who believed in him. Subsequently, he would die for her and considers her his platonic soulmate. It was also unexpected since our characters either would have gotten along swimmingly or hated each other, and we weren't quite sure which yet!!!