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    1. You must be a full member (10+ posts) of RPGfix to start a thread on this board.
    2. Please do not bump threads. (A cleaner solution for bumping threads is coming!)
    3. Remember to reply to the thread when responding to a wanted ad. Please do not send PMs as the purpose of this board is to keep everything public and accountable. (Besides, we may reward those who respond to classified advertisements...)
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Closed Renworth love triangle (jcink)

Discussion in 'Wanted Classifieds' started by Elena, Feb 11, 2018.

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  1. Elena

    Elena Resident Game Owner

    Site Name: Caribbean Dawn

    Site Link: Caribbean Dawn

    How to contact the requester: Em

    Preferred Playby:

    PB: Heida Reed (flexible)

    NAME: Evelyn Renworth (flexible)

    AGE: 30

    PB: Alicia Vikander (firm)

    NAME: Serena (flexible)

    AGE: 20ish

    Character information:


    Other Information: Original ad with all the links clickable
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