Red Dragon Inn

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Sere, Sep 27, 2020.

  1. Sere

    Sere Resident Game Owner

    I am curious to see how many people out there have been doing this as long as I have...

    The first time I ever saw RP was when I was in Junior High. I went to a friend's house before school and we logged onto AOL to go chat in some chatrooms. We saw the Red Dragon Inn, popped in and were immediately confused. We had no idea what was going on, but we asked. Someone was nice enough to IM us and explain what was going on. From that point on I was absolutely hooked. I fell in love with RP and really haven't stopped since then.

    Anyone else start back in the old AOL days? Even if you didn't... where did you start? How long ago was it? I am super curious to see where, how, and when everyone got started.
  2. Patrick_S

    Patrick_S Newcomer

    I first landed in AOL's Rhydin chatroom, and from hopped over to AOL's Gorean Tavern.
    Learned all sorts of things a kid my age probably shouldn't have learned. But I got hooked on the roleplay, too.
  3. Sere

    Sere Resident Game Owner

    Oh gosh I remember Gor. I used to RP in those chatrooms all the time. It was such a fun, albeit a bit racy, sort of RP. ♥
  4. Teneo Lupum

    Teneo Lupum Newcomer

    AOL! Either Red Dragon Inn or the Medieval Tavern. Can't remember which came first. I remember being so amazed at all the text scrolling by so fast.
  5. Playerfiles

    Playerfiles Resident Game Owner

    Same here... and in many Gorean area, Sorl Thorn, was a warrior class, popular character
  6. Playerfiles

    Playerfiles Resident Game Owner

    Ahhh the Medieval Tavern... remember it well... but I loved the ability to make our own Private Chatrooms... well supposed to be private...*smirks* as we all know AOL spied on us...
  7. Elzeothis

    Elzeothis Newcomer Game Owner

    So, back in my day... ROFL

    My first experience with roleplaying was telnet, chat rooms, local BBS's, and play by text hosted on local computers and servers that you connected to.

    The world has come a long, long way since then - Oh, wait, no, we're still doing the exact same thing, just with slicker graphics and shinier things to look at and more easily usable tools to bring to bear.

    I'd say that Prodigy and AOL and ICQ chat rooms were my third or fourth stop on the journey to roleplaying...