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Character Wanted Powerful witch family - JCINK supernatural

Discussion in 'Wanted Classifieds' started by Crystalfrost, Mar 16, 2019.

  1. Crystalfrost

    Crystalfrost Newcomer Game Owner

    Site Name: Follow Me Down
    Link: https://followmedownrp.jcink.net
    Original Ad: https://followmedownrp.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=924

    One of the founding families, the Bishops are a powerful witch family in Crescent Ridge. Samuel Bishop was a well-loved Earth witch known for his dedication to the town's citizens. The majority of witches in the Bishop family are Earth witches, though other affinities pop up. The Bishops are a proud family, to the point of arrogance, and recently they're becoming less popular among the other witches. Powerful and respected, but less liked.

    Other family members are completely open, but some suggested characters are given below. All names are changeable. Ages are flexible. Most faces are negotiable.

    Noah Bishop - 30 years old - Matthew Gray Gubler (set)
    Son of Bryan and Caroline Bishop, older brother of Isaiah. Noah has some of the competitiveness that runs in the Bishop family, thanks to his father pushing him harder than he probably should have.

    Isaiah Bishop - 26 - Jean Luc Bilodeau (preferred)
    Son of Bryan and Caroline Bishop, younger brother of Noah. Isaiah is a little bit of a lost lamb. He's a sweet young man and genuinely a good person, maybe a bit shy and socially awkward. He might not be the bestwitch out there, magically speaking. He doesn't understand the tension between his father and uncle, and part of him wants to become closer to the rest of his extended family.

    Sebastian Abbott - 25 - RJ King (preferred)
    Son of Mary Bishop and James Abbott. Brother to Grace. Sebastian is the free spirit of the family. He's always looking for fun and a good laugh, and might have been a frat boy in college.

    Grace Abbott- 22 - Teresa Oman (negotiable)
    Daughter of Mary Bishop and James Abbott. Sister to Sebastian. Personality pretty open.

    Bryan Bishop - 55 - Clive Owen (preferable)
    Brother of William Senior and Mary. As the younger son, Bryan was always striving to prove his worth to his parents. As a young man, he was competitive to a fault, sometimes making bad choices in an attempt to outshine his older brother. He mellowed out a bit as an adult, after accepting William would always be "better" than him, but he retains some bitterness toward his brother. His branch of the family exist somewhat on the outskirts because of it, to the point that they didn't attend the previous Bishop Christmas celebration.

    Plus more on the actual ad!