Looking for good staff.

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by KaiozKeitaro, Apr 7, 2014.


Which field are you great in?

  1. Admin

  2. Global Moderator

  3. Mission Moderator

  4. Archivist

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. KaiozKeitaro

    KaiozKeitaro Fresh Blood

    I've been looking for a good set of members willing to become g-mods and admins. If you know the show cowboy bebop please respond below.
  2. VirusZero

    VirusZero Resident Game Owner

    Good luck getting staff.

    Finding effective staff that will stick around and be helpful is incredibly difficult at the best of times. Especially without people being able to take a look at your site to see if they're interested. (I'd recommend putting a link to your site in your signature.)

    I mean some people may not know much about proboards, but they can manage Jcink very well. (Or vice versa.)

    Plus some people want to look at the site and see what, if anything, has already been done. They may not want to join on to be staff only to discover the head admin just wants to sit back and have everyone else do all the work. (I mean if they wanted to do all the work, they could likely open their own site with the skills they have...)
  3. KaiozKeitaro

    KaiozKeitaro Fresh Blood

    Okay here is the official site. I did all the coding and topic and sections myself.

    Space Cowboy Rp
  4. PKMNostalgia

    PKMNostalgia Newcomer Game Owner

    I wouldn't hire random people on the internet. You might try getting a following of members first and politely ask the ones who stick around to help you manage small parts of the form. Don't be surprised if they refuse, some people don't like to deal with the pressure of being a staff member.
    Elena likes this.
  5. rhysie

    rhysie Newcomer

    I've found personally someone who just joins the site becomes the better admin. Of course I have a friend who we will make sites together, but e know eachother and we know that we tend to become inactive at points and because we are friends makes it hard.
  6. Others have said it. Its better to get a member base and then hire from within. Unless you have friends you already know who would be interested in those positions. Although sometimes even then you run a risk of hiring someone who doesn't really help. For some it seems that they just want the title and power but none of the responsibility.