Hi guys, the name's Jester Roleplay Stuff I've been roleplaying for about three years now, and I like to consider my writing fairly decent. I am a sucker for floofy love stories, a good plot, and ginormous posts. As you probably guessed by now, I LOVE a literate partner, who will go into depth with their character and actually put some work into the backstory and personality. Some consider me rather arrogant, which is completely fine, because it's true. Some turnoffs for roleplay partners are using all lower-caps, not having proper grammar, not using a capital 'i', confusing there, their, and they're, your and you're...the usual stuff. Also, refusing to rp with me because of my age tends to get me pretty upset. Some turnons for me are faceclaims for characters, detailed sheets, for you to be a better writer than I, so I can learn from your style, good setting and a well defined personality for your OC. I'm looking for lit, long term rp partners who don't mind waiting a bit if life decides to mess with one of us :) Some of my triggers are suicide, self harm and refusing to eat/sleep. No, this isn't me being a butterfly. Reading that stuff can destroy me mentally. So I avoid it. Also, I tend to steer away from rps which involve pedophilia or incest. Erp: I used to be able to erp, but these past couple of months, I simply got bored. So unless I reaally like our characters, and we've been rping for a few months, I'm not willing to write any sex scenes. Also, I refuse to erp with you if you are under 13. Outside of Rp Info 1. I'm 15 2. Like all teenagers, I ain't got the best grip on life 3. I'm totally a dog person 4. Slytherin and Dauntless 5. I've got an emo aesthetic, but I'm cheerful as hell around people 6. Really, really, really, really depressed. 7. Taken 8. My favorite authors: Cassandra Claire and Brandon Sanderson 9. I'm Canadian, but I immigrated from Romania when I was 9. English is not my first language. 10. Ice caps, Hamilton, SIX, dyed hair, floof, beanies, huge hoodies, plaid/flannel, and eyebrow piercings for the win.