
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by pluto, Jul 19, 2018.

  1. pluto

    pluto Newcomer

    Hiya, I go by Pluto, I appreciated Pluto for the planet it deserved to be even during the period when scientists refused to admit it was one, and plus Pluto is the God of Death, and death always wins, in the end, one way or another! :D

    Enough with the morbid stuff, though. I like roleplaying, obviously, I've been doing so for 16 years, less than that if you chose to not count the years where I absolutely stunk at it. But hey, we all started somewhere, right? :D
  2. RP Collective

    RP Collective Resident Game Owner

  3. Victor LaGuardia

    Victor LaGuardia Newcomer Game Owner

    Welcome to the site! Pluto should be reinstated as a planet, imho. But what do I know, I'm not a scientist lol. Hope things go well for you here!