
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by SKoT, May 12, 2017.

  1. SKoT

    SKoT Fresh Blood

    Hello hello!

    I'm going to go with SKoT as my handle here (since on my site it is 'Supreme Kai of Time' which is a bit of a mouthful).

    I've been playing RPGs for around 15 years or so now, in various forms. I am usually playing at least one and sometimes up to three tabletop games per week, and often LARP, but my first real love was the world of MU*s back when I was in university and could have a little roleplaying going on in the background no matter what else I was doing at the time. The wonderful world of work has impacted my ability to do that, largely because I'm in the UK so staying up to 4 or 5am to roleplay with my buddies in real time is no longer really feasible.

    So a couple of years ago I started looking into play-by-post gaming. I've had a lot of fun as both a player and admin, but for one reason or another I've drifted away from those games. I also began, all those years ago, playing Dragon Ball Z games with hilariously weird and complex rules.

    With the new Xenoverse PC game I saw a ton of awesome roleplaying and worldbuilding potential which the series didn't really touch on and... I want to explore that! So I've spent a few months tinkering and putting together a kind of 'first draft' of how I see a cool game based on that working.

    I've never actually been in the driving seat before, though, and I'm sure I've got a lot to learn, so you can bet I'll be going through all the resources here and trying to get a handle on the best practices! [​IMG]
  2. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    Hiya SKot and welcome to fix, so glad to see a new face here. If ya'all need any help, give us a holler! [​IMG]