Hello there!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Kersare, Jun 1, 2018.

  1. Kersare

    Kersare Newcomer Game Owner

    Hello all! I joined several months ago and thought I had posted an intro thread, but apparently not... O.o

    I'm Michelle and I've been simming since 2003. I've had my own simm, which I listed here, since 2004.

    Mostly I do Star Trek simms, but I have done an X-men simm and a custom one a friend thought up. I have considered trying others as well (BSG, Stargate, Dresden Files, etc).

    In any event, happy to be here and just joined the discord server. :)
  2. BobbyB

    BobbyB Resident Game Owner

    Welcome to the bunch, even if it's a little late ;)
  3. Welcome! Better late than never.
  4. valucre

    valucre Resident Game Owner

    Welcome welcome!