Resolved guides!

Discussion in 'Support & Feedback' started by Invisie, Aug 30, 2010.

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  1. Invisie

    Invisie internet forever Curator

    HERP A DERP? Those are the guides I have probably babbled about at some point! ^_^ If you wanted me to do stuff with them, I could put them on resources? Or tutorials. Um. I don't know. 8D Wherever they should be stuck I can try to stick them and make myself useful.

    edit; And oh, duh! Of course if they were to be placed here or put up here, the linkback could instead go to RPG Fix. I would like it if a small link back to Tears, Bones & Desire remained in there somewhere, but if you're uncomfortable with that, no big deal! I am totally fine with just an RPG-F (there's RPG-Directory and they go by RPG-D, and RPG-Collection and they go by RPG-C, so this is RPG-F to me! Where did E go?!?) linkback. /random and sleep-deprived
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Hmm.. I think they could fit underneath the Resources section. I want to sort of limit the Tutorials to specific "How to/How do I" guides (around both roleplaying, advertising, graphics/code, and game/site management). Whereas your RP guides are really all-encompassing and epic. ^_^

    I think RPG-F, F'd the E in the eye. Bwahaha.

    I have no problem whatsoever with linking back to TB&D either. I don't really see any reason as to why we wouldn't link back. In addition to that, I'm going end up modifying the format of the resource/tutorial pages so that we can also credit the author, so it'd link back to your site username as well. :)
  3. Invisie

    Invisie internet forever Curator

    Word! I can start putting them there sometime, then? :O So they fit the layout hurr and everything. ^^; And thank you! <333

    I had to read that sentence like three times to get it (derp derp), but I LOL'ed. SEEKRIT CATCHPHRASE? 8D

    Yay! Thank you! :D I dunno why not! Some places are odd about having to link to them even if it's your resource. D; But I also wanted to say the reason there aren't links plastered all over there for this place is because I am not sure if you wanted me to do that yet. >_> Twitterthing said this is not public yet, so I was waiting for an official... "ohay we are open" announcement to happen before I started pimpin'. 8D I am excite, though!
  4. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Yep, yep! I may need to add some new CSS classes, but we'll see.

    I also don't make sense a lot of the time...

    I'm stupidly busy at the moment, but there's a ray of light this weekend. Maybe we could end up "officially" opening the site then. I'm not 100% sure yet, but it's a possibility. If not this weekend, then most likely next. I don't think I really have too many things left to do on it. Aside from all the extra enhancements I've been planning.

    Edit: Copied a few of them over.
  5. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Okaaay, definitely not opening this weekend. Turns out I'm starting a new job. Sooo... looks like Sept. 18-19th it is.
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