
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Idle Omens, Jul 22, 2016.

  1. Idle Omens

    Idle Omens Newcomer Game Owner

    Well, let's get this out of the way - as the topic implies, this is my introduction. So, hello all. I'm a moderator over at a very young community on Dreamwidth that is in dire need of a few, additional players.

    I, myself, have been absent from the RP scene for some time, but am back as a favor the group's head.
  2. Selina

    Selina Newcomer

    Hey, I'm on here now too! xD
  3. Laney

    Laney Fresh Blood

    As am I. :D (Weird when we both have the day off, though. <_< Okay, back to Fallout.)
  4. Idle Omens

    Idle Omens Newcomer Game Owner

    Well, hello again you two.
    Just got the message that you replied to this. I'll do the promoting for the RP, you guys just provide the daily votes.