Getting Back into Things

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Silhouette, Apr 2, 2021.

  1. Silhouette

    Silhouette Newcomer Game Owner

    Hey everyone!

    My name is Silhouette. I've been rping since I was about 12 (yes, bad, I know haha), so that means I've been writing collaboratively for about 14 years now. It's been on and off, occasionally taking year long breaks. The last time I wrote was in 2018, so it's been a while now. But this year I decided to get back into things again, and I jumped in head first by creating my own site for the first time since about 2009.

    Looking forward to meeting everyone!
    P.s. if you want to make quick friends with me, just send me funny bird memes. I'm a crazy bird lady haha
  2. Playerfiles

    Playerfiles Resident Game Owner

    Hiya Silhouette,
    I am Will... glad to meet you... and I am in Germany (am American). Not visiting Deutschland, just work here.
    I love to roleplay and tell great historical fiction stories !!!
    Look me up on Discord !! William#5949