Game Tagging and New Categories

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Shriker, Aug 27, 2014.

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  1. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    The game directory is now 100% fully integrated with the tagging system. Feel free to edit your listing and add some tags! It is preferred that you only add tags that: describe what people may roleplay as, describe the platform the site uses (JCINK, MediaWiki, etc.), and further describe the setting. Happy tagging!

    Two new directory categories have been added:
    • Urban Fantasy - For fantasy games situated in a more contemporary fantasy setting.
    • Multigenre - For games that have no defined setting.
    I've already moved around a few sites. If I've missed yours and you happen to want it moved to a new category, simply reply to this thread with the request.

    I also made a couple of style updates, but no one should really notice those....
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