Favorite Open Threads?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Twisted, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. Twisted

    Twisted Newcomer

    I always seem to struggle coming up with ideas for an open thread for my characters for some reason. I've used the classic ones of a person sitting in a bar, getting a flat tire and being stranded, or going for a walk or jog in a park where they fall or someone's dog runs up to them. They all work fine, but none the less I want to hear some other ideas!

    So I was wondering; what are some of your favorite open threads that you have either wrote yourself or seen on a site?
  2. Claire

    Claire Resident

    In the sitting at a bar/tavern mode, walking into a party/ball/masquerade is always good. Or crashing into someone's shopping cart - going for the same product at a market. Also, road rage. There are some really good generators out there for this kind of thing as well. :D
  3. Twisted

    Twisted Newcomer

    Really?? I haven't found any generators for this kind of thing actually, I will have to lol harder haha Thanks! I actually really like the road rage idea, could be super funny!!
  4. Ciel

    Ciel Newcomer

    Could someone post links to these generators?! I could really use them too...
  5. dlstaff

    dlstaff Newcomer

    I've learned that action can get people's attention. It is something fun and entertaining and fast paced so it is easy to get into. I also like to have my character be up to no good whatsoever, maybe the person responding could be their victim (or the hero) if my character is planning to steal something.
    Elena likes this.
  6. TheLadyLoki

    TheLadyLoki Newcomer

    When there's the most to loose for someone seems to gain attention pretty quickly, lol. I enjoy the threads that are packed with action and angst and drama. Also, open event threads (such as balls, mixers, etc) tend to draw in a decent number to them.
    Elena likes this.
  7. Iztak

    Iztak Resident Game Owner

    I love having one character behave in the first post as if they know very well whoever joins the thread near. A big, loud greeting and embrace. Or a, "you know what I said I'd do if I ever saw you again" kind of threat.

    Action right away, almost en media res. If the two characters haven't got an established backstory together, they soon will.
    ScottRyder, Elena and Shriker like this.
  8. madiebeau

    madiebeau Newcomer Game Owner

    Angst, angst, angst. I do love emotional conflict, and strife. I'm pretty boring when it comes to the actual actions of my characters. I tend to focus on what they are feeling emotionally, or reminisce on their past. I love opening posts where I can explore my character's past, and tell their tale a little bit to someone new. No one follows your characters quite the way you do, you know?
  9. SolarisGuru

    SolarisGuru Newcomer Game Owner

    I like doing the whole sitting in a tavern waiting for someone to come in thing or sitting around a campfire in the middle of a clearing way out in the woods thing.
  10. Archaeon

    Archaeon Resident Game Owner

    Putting the character in a public place/social event seems to be my modus operandi. A bar or party or out in the street etc. I normally have them doing something that would garner attention like drop something, looking lost or generally making a tit of themselves. I think it's good to have some sort of action going on or strong emotional element that whoever joins the thread can latch onto and run with. It also acts as a bit of lure to get people to want to join in the first place.
    Elena likes this.
  11. PsySneks

    PsySneks Newcomer Game Owner

    I once had my character get flung through a window, followed by a really awkward moment.
  12. Bamf

    Bamf Resident Game Owner

    Some fun action! A fight, an explosion, just anything that really throws the characters into something.
    Elena likes this.
  13. ScottRyder

    ScottRyder Newcomer Game Owner

    So I have a super derpy character who is perfect for opens. I just throw him into the most ridiculous scenario I can think of. Gets stuck in vents, attempts to hide behind potted plants to not be seen, gifts pet rocks to people, ugly cries at minor inconveniences... he's a special soul. My main point is that this sort of dorky comedy draws people in easily enough. Really though it's giving yourself enough to grab their attention while being vague enough for them to fit themselves into the scenario.

    My advice is write a plot for yourself. What would you want the end game for your character be for the thread? Have they got anywhere to be? Something they want to get? Having something already in mind has always helped me keep an open flowing. Let the other writer fit themselves into your story and tell part of their own through it. You might be surprised and see them take it a whole other way from what you'd planned which is just as awesome with the right person!

    Have fun!
    Elena likes this.
  14. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    Before I answer this I need to know in what context do we mean 'open' threads? I'm not entirely sure of the meaning in this instance.
  15. North

    North Newcomer

    I enjoy a good action bit as well! Not just sitting at a bar, but a bar fight, or arguing with an npc(something secret or silly or just odd for someone to overhear that makes you want to ask). Sometimes, I set up scenarios as well, sort like dming a mini scene to explore a place/get some thing cool/hunt down a person/idk. Or, having your character need help with something! People like to be helpful or at least show off, or maybe just flip your character off, whatever is fun!

    I tend to avoid the "runs into someone" threads, but that's a personal choice.

    Also, things that encourage a character to interact, such as some sort of mini event in the world, like a festival or the like, though these would also be group threads.