Welcome to RPGfix!
Hey, my name is Teyam. :-> I'm new to this site, but I do have some experience roleplaying from before, it's just been a while since I've done it...
Probably just a wee bit over the top for a headline. But it worked because here YOU are too! I love history. Fantasy!! Oh fantasy... dragons...
[IMG] mortalum.proboards.com Welcome to Mortalum, an original high fantasy roleplay forum. Our forum puts a heavy focus on story telling. This...
Hello there! You can call me Ryse, I am a roleplayer that has loved the hobby for quite some time. I am currently in a mod with the White Sands...
My name's Kitti, and I am here to advertise for my Urban Fantasy Roleplay Site. I am the admin, the lore master, and the overseer of shenanigans....
Hello, Firstly, apologies, but I have somehow created a duplicate account with Master_Louis to join the community. I'm not very familiar with...
Hey everyone! I'm the long-time admin of RolePlayGateway (RPG) and RPG Chat, running since 2005. Hard to believe it's been over 15 years! I'm a...
Hello, I'm Flahme and I have been writing for some thirteen odd years, however, am relatively new to RP writing with other people. I was...
I use to make worlds for Feral Wolf Rp... but i've been out of the loop for a long while. I'm working my way back. What happend to everyone?
One of our members would like input on their RP idea; Beyond The Edge In a world full of war and turmoil, where knights fight fire with fire, and...
Site Name: Savagery RPG Website URL: http://savagery-rpg.com Genre: High fantasy wolf role playing game. __________________________________...
I seriously hate introducing myself, I'm bad at it and I tend to come off...strange? I don't know how to explain it, so i'm just going to do a...
This is a piece off the site that me and another mod run. Nothing fancy just one of my latest post. The very arrival of autumn made his mood just...
Does anyone here have kik and want to roleplay? My name is: Abladescruelkiss_ (Clean or blocked)
Hello there! My name is Mafalda and I've been a roleplayer for the past eight years. I've been usually attached to The Vampire Diaries / The...
You walked right into this one, mate c; Hey there, so, I'm EuropeanLass! I'm in love with human RPs, I play LioDen & a few other games. My...