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Hello! I get Error 77 when I try to submit my site. The site now has premium jcink but the same issue applied before. Here is the site:...
Hi all!! Sorry, I'm a bit of a beginner at this sort of thing and a bit confused. I keep getting the below error: Error 22: The requested URL...
Hello y'all, I can't say I have much experience with roleplaying sites. I used to RP on this forum called Episode but it recently closed the...
Thanks to the generous donations of members, we managed to upgrade to Xenforo this year. Was also able to nab TH Node grid along with a nice...
I see that RPGFIX is running a XenForo board, which (incidentally), I am also using for an RP site of mine. I am wondering, can any of the Admins...
Site Name: Savagery RPG Website URL: http://savagery-rpg.com Genre: High fantasy wolf role playing game. __________________________________...