Shadows of High Plains

old west, western, rpg, creative writing, roleplaying

Shadows of High Plains - old west, western, rpg, creative writing, roleplaying

Shadows of High Plains (SoHP); a old west rpg, circa 1872... based upon the growing wild west town of Sherman, Wyoming, born out of the Hell-on-Wheels rail settlements of the late 1860s during the building of the TransContinental railroad.

Sherman sits on the high plains, not far from the bottom of the insurmountable Sherman Pass of the Wyoming Territory... where Deputy US Marshal John T Wesley is the protagonist... and Jon Claridge (the antagonist) is a nemesis of the law; not yet proven a criminal but he is wicked, and powerful enough... Tis a sort of mixture of Tombstone, meets Hell on Wheels, and blends the series “1883” theme into the mix.

Here are the stories of would-be settlers, immigrants, and people of all creeds, colors, religions, and nationalities who had conjured the idea of leaving the East to find *the dream* or establish a *better life*; those who traveled with all their possessions and whatever money and gold they owned, heading westward in wagon trains in all directions, or affording passage via the rails of the “Iron Horse”. The , and though, at first, the *the dream* seemed to be idyllic.... Alas it turns out the new paradise was anything but....

Here, many of our characters find themselves on the high plains of Wyoming and in Sherman town, vulnerable to everything from severe high plains weather... to violent raiding parties by the indigenous people objecting to their intrusion... to bandit attacks by men who take advantage of everyone, particularly travelers and isolated settlers... and even the daily opportunistic crime, as easy targets to desperadoes, whose crimes are petty and opportunistic, driven by drink, gold fever, and an absence of controlling factors, such as family and effective authority.... and worse yet, those unscrupulous men, who do not hesitate to seize advantage and set themselves up in power as a means of control and wealth.

Tis a time of heroes, adventure, hardship, and discovery. It is also a time of stories, a period shrouded in the lore of gunslingers, gunfighters, hanging judges, cowboys, runaway herds of cattle, snowstorms, drought, gold rushes, train-robberies, bank-bustin’ and clashin’ with indigenous natives.

Do you have what it takes to succeed in the town of Sherman, and the Wyoming Territory ?? Take a chance and see for yourself. We are waiting for you !!!

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