Join us and save the world - if you dare

Two years ago SHIELD was revealed to be infiltrated by HYDRA sleeper agents. The organisation that worked in the shadows to protect people from that which they fear most had become one of HYDRA’s many heads. This discovery set about a dramatic chain of events, with Director Fury appearing dead, and the return of an assassin. The Winter Soldier.

A dramatic media reveal, and the subsequent destruction of all SHIELD facilities caused the agents to scatter to the winds. After all how could they guard the world from the shadows, unknown, when Black Widow - acting to protect the SHIELD she’d come to know - had revealed the truth about SHIELD to the whole world. No, best to lie low. To be forgotten again.

Those who were not on Fury's ‘trusted’ list were left to assume the agency had been destroyed totally. And for two years that was what was thought. That SHIELD had been destroyed, it was one less risk for those agencies that sought to destroy the world. Or at least the world as they knew it. However those who were in the know had retreated separated to safe houses. Or in the case of those more publicly known Avengers such as Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, they were the ones solely in charge in trying to keep the world safe. Trying, they were not always successful, and they made mistakes.

Those who were in the know were waiting for a text message reading one word. A code word. That message arrived recently. “Phoenix”. The message itself was sent from a burn phone. None of them tried to contact back, they knew where to go. For each had been given co-ordinates for a pick up point, a schedule to follow. SHIELD hasn’t been quiet during its two years absence, while they have lost some of their technology such as quinjets and the helicarrier, they have gained an island base. Isolated enough that to get there you would need to know the co-ordinates, central enough that agents could be brought in via helicopter from set up points.

This is what’s happening now. The trusted agents are returning to SHIELD, the Avengers are back under SHIELDs wing - with a few new faces. SHIELD is starting to send its spider web of surveillance officers on the streets back out to start to gain information. They’re also starting to get employed in government officers, to feed back vital Intel to headquarters. SHIELD’s wings will spread once again, and the phoenix has once again arisen. It will just take time to regrow.