Mufasa survives and Scar is exiled, based on the 1994 movie only.

The kingdom of Pride Lands is reeling from the scandalous fact that the king's brother attempted to murder him and their prince with the help of hyenas, and has now been exiled under bane of death. Only one positive thing has happened; the hyenas have also been exiled under bane of death so they won't be bothering Pride Lands as much anymore. Security in the land has increased to extreme, visitors are still welcome but interrogated and watched closely, and protection of the royal family and especially of young prince Simba is now the focus of the king's Guard.

Can a kingdom recover from something like this? When will it be over and back to state of normalcy? Is Scar still plotting against his family with new, better allies or moving on with his life? What kind of a king will Simba become when raised by his loving parents but growing up in a homeland shaken by scandal and sorrow? How do pridelanders find joy and light in this darkness?

The Lost Story is a play-by-post roleplaying game based on the 1994 movie, with an alternate universe plot twist. We have a Lion Guard inspired by the tv series but not the one from it. Only the first movie counts and everything else about the world is our own fan visions. Come join us in this fun passion project, and write with us stories about Pride Lands that didn't lose its beloved king but their world shook for an entirely different reason.