Isla Iscarra is a fantasy horse roleplay set in an original setting, rated 3/2/3. We promote a friendly and inviting atmosphere to new and old RPers to safely express their creativity! Regardless of your skill level or abilities, we want you, as a player, to be safe and feel heard.
Isla Iscarra is themed after the ancient civilizations of Greece, Rome, Egypt and even Mayan, Aztec, and Incan! As a player, you have the ability to play semi-naturally marked equines with fantasy equines in a way that will let you receive benefits from having both in your arsenal.
We have an established, thought-out history and various site-wide plots that play into it. And many player-driven plots as well!
- Very welcoming, 18+ community
- No word count!
- Only activity checks on canon characters
- Under a year old!
Wanted & Current Adoptables:
- Herd Leaders: 7 herdlands are looking for leaders!
- Order of the Elements: an apolitical group of scholars, scribes, and teachers
- Circle of Ancients: Harmonious coven dedicated to the service of deities.
- Weathered Syndicate: Secretive group working to restore the God of Death to his rightful position of power
- Covenant of Storms: Acolytes following the God of Storms, generally benevolent
- Deities: Auditioning requires 30 posts to qualify but we're looking for active & diverse players