Darkest Web

A Black Jeweled RPG

There are some men who claim that History repeats itself- that no matter what struggles and efforts the people make they will inevitably revert to a predictable pattern of action. These are the men that do not try to change things. Observers of what once was without targeting the root of the problem.  Ambition.  It's not that we, as Blood, cannot see beyond the scope of our generations- it's that History happens anyway, even whilst we're in the throes of our ambition.
To believe that we're stuck in the present is a fallacy- every moment we exist we are fused within the great web of the Darkness' illusion.  Some of us are but a part of a single strand. Some of us -essential to the design as a whole- are a knot of strands in and of ourselves.  Some of us, however, are architects and wield the lives of Blood and Landen alike in an effort to bring about our hegemony- cutting away useless threads and setting them adrift in the breeze.
In the past there were great Wars between the Territories which heaped the land high with the corpses of Blood and Landen- even Kindred were swept up in its murderous conflagration. When the dust settled and Pax Imperia reigned over the land, the Blood relaxed.  People found themselves able to go back to the chore of a life without War.
In every Garden, though, lays the cradle of the next age- even as the one in power still foments. It's not that we, as Blood, cannot see beyond the scope of our generation- it's that History happens anyway, even whilst we're in the throes of our ambition