The world of CoSC features a forest where the illustrious Rusty never set foot. Instead the four clans have existed for what feels like time eternal: Keeping borders, raising apprentices, and staying alive. This revised warriors universe focuses on the tribal, visceral vibe of the earliest books, taking it one step further to give birth to a version of Warrior Cats where choices matter and human morals don’t apply.
– The mysterious deaths have been unraveled! –
After so many met sudden, disturbing ends at the paws of a mysterious illness the truth has been revealed. Boldstar of RiverClan died suddenly and violently over a meal in camp. Young Medicine Cat’s Apprentice Nettlepaw rose above his station and was able to learn the cause: A lumpy, green mass in the stomachs of some of the fresh-kill.
After the news is shared at the gathering the following night all of the clans breath a sigh of relief. StarClan willing the rest of the Year of Promised Prey will pass calmly. If only young Moosestar wasn’t reporting an increase in rogue activity.
– With joy the clans pray the reprieve lasts… –
– Join us to see what’s next! –
Chosen of StarClan
Prey Will Kill: An alternate universe Warriors RPG focused on the visceral world of the "Into the Wild".