A first person character questionnaire.
General Overview
Given Name:
Hair colour/style:
Eye colour:
Clothing style:
Physical abilities/limitations:
Socioeconomic level:
What do you do for a living?:
Who do you work with?:
How do you support yourself?:
Introvert or extrovert?:
More thinking or feeling?:
What is you motto?:
Are you self-centred? Selfish? Selfless?:
What makes you laugh, or do you laugh at all?:
What is your deepest secret or wildest fantasy?:
What is your greatest achievement in life so far?:
What is your idea of perfect happiness?:
Which words or phrases do you most overuse?:
Do you make fun of other people?:
What time do you go to bed?:
Do you get offended easily?:
Who, or what, are you the most jealous of?:
What is the happiest way you can start your day?:
Do you believe in fate or free will?:
Do you believe that only boring people get bored?:
Are you a day person or nocturnal?:
What changes are you afraid of?:
Are you in constant fear of death?:
Any bad habits?:
Attitudes Toward
Love and Relationships
- Yourself:
- Others:
- Friendship:
- Sex:
- Love:
- Children:
- Parents:
- Siblings:
- Animals:
- Marriage:
- Religion:
- Government:
Who is your closest confidante, and how did you meet? Who do you talk to when you're scared or in trouble?:
Who is your worst enemy? Why?:
Who or what is the greatest love of your life?:
Have you ever been in love?:
Have you had your heart broken?:
Who do you live with?:
What do you look for in a partner (sexual or otherwise)?:
Do you remember your first kiss?:
Do you keep in touch with your childhood friends?:
What sort of people do you tend to make friends with?:
How deep are the friendships you tend to form?:
Where do you go, and what do you do with your friends?:
How big is your family?:
Do you have any siblings? Are you alike in any way?:
Do you have any children? How has having children impacted your life?:
Are your parents alive, and do / did you get along with them?:
If your parents are dead, when and how did they die?:
Who are your favourite and least favourite relatives?:
What is your very first memory?:
Did you have a good or bad childhood?:
What is one strong memory that has stuck with you from childhood?:
What is your greatest regret?:
How would you like to die?:
Most humiliating moment?:
Proudest moment?:
What's the coolest job you ever had?:
Has your life worked out how you expected it to?:
What special circumstances have made you who you are today?:
Were you forced into your current path, or are you here by choice?:
Did anything happen in your past that you cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply changed you or scarred you in some way?:
- Colour:
- Food:
- Drink:
- Pastime:
- Music:
- Holiday:
- Travel:
- Place to relax:
- Time of day:
If you had the power to control one person and make this person do anything you wanted for a whole day, who would you pick and what would they do?:
If you could be any famous person, who would it be and why?:
If you knew you would die tomorrow, what would you do today?:
What is in your refrigerator right now?:
What is your most treasured possession?:

Character Questionnaire
A list of questions meant to be answered from your character's perspective.