XenForo Auto Hide Reported Posts 1.0.1

Send reported content into moderation queue if it has reached the report threshold.

  1. Shriker
    This add-on will send specific content types into the moderation queue if they have reached the report threshold. You define how many unique reports content gets before it is sent into the moderation queue.

    If you like this add-on, please remember to vote for it and consider supporting my Patreon. Thanks!

    • Admin defined report threshold (content needs x reports before being sent in for moderation)
    • Supported content types: posts and profile posts
    • Alerts user if their content has been sent into the moderation queue for review
    • Admin can define what account the alerts are sent from
    1. Upload files/directories underneath "upload" to your XenForo's root.
    2. Import the add-on XML using the add-on importer in your Admin CP.
    1. Configure the add-on: "Home > Options > User Discouragement and Discipline"
    2. Set the Group Permission "Reports contribute to auto-moderate threshold" in Users > User Group Permissions.
    Copyright / License

    This project is released underneath the DBAD PUBLIC LICENSE by Phil Sturgeon.

