How do you keep track of your threads?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Brittlez, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    God yes ! Lol. I don't get along with normal people :P
  2. SymonDrayson

    SymonDrayson Resident Game Owner

    Awesome. Then I believe we will get on nicely.
  3. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

  4. Bamf

    Bamf Resident Game Owner

    I use a thread tracker- life savers
    Mim likes this.
  5. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    I do in fact write them down :D
  6. Clockwork Galaxy

    Clockwork Galaxy Newcomer Game Owner

    I do a few things to ensure I don't miss anything:
    1. I subscribe to every IC thread I'm in so I'll know when it's my turn to reply.
    2. I keep a tracker thread with all of my characters in it so I can keep track of all the threads I'm in.
    3. I keep an excel spreadsheet with all of my duties (including posts) so that I don't forget/ miss anything.
    Now, to be fair, I don't update the latter two on a regular basis or anything. There will be whole months sometimes where I'll forget to add something or take something off, but generally with this combination of things, I keep up quite well. (I also admin my own board, work a full-time job on top of full-time load of college classes, and a family and home-life so I totally get being super busy.)
  7. Sage

    Sage Newcomer

    I mostly rely on notifications and emails. I subscribe to every thread I'm in, so I'm notified either on-site or via email when I owe a reply somewhere. But I also keep a thread tracker that I also use as a timeline! Helps me keep a chronological order of events and I'll go through it every now and then to make sure I'm not super behind on posts. I only belong to one site, though, so my load of posts isn't too big.
    Elena likes this.
  8. Marin

    Marin Newcomer Game Owner

    I keep an etherpad (A nice, google docs style tool--but far less tedious to use) tab open at all times and paste my threads I need to respond to in there as replies come up and it becomes my turn. Then when I'm ready to post, I just open a link and get writing! It's simple, efficient and since it's online it goes tanywhere I take it and doesn't need any fussing with. I also bookmark all threads when using proboards, just so I get notifications. As for Jcink ...I don't know? I haven't been able to find a nice Jcink RP that lasted lately.
  9. Syndehy

    Syndehy Newcomer Game Owner

    I use the subscribes on Jcink, and the bookmarks on Proboards. Without those features, I would be lost. >> i never keep alerts and I don't use a thread tracker!
  10. TakodaVega
    Caffeine Fix

    TakodaVega Newcomer

    If we're talking Forums I have subscribed to my threads so I get notifications whenever there is a reply to anything ^_^ So that way I keep track anything new and hip going on. If if it's Tabletop one of our roleplay group chronicles it up so that there is always notes from the previous rp the DM helps as well but it's nice to have it from a 3rd party perspective. Most everything else is just going with the flow and seeing where it goes from there :)
  11. ScottRyder

    ScottRyder Newcomer Game Owner

    Google docs spreadsheet has been the best way for me to keep track of threads. Tags on site notify me of new replies, but sometimes I comb through and double check I'm not missing a reply to anyone =D

    This is what it looks like:
    Elena likes this.
  12. Zozma

    Zozma Spider Demon Game Owner

    I use the bookmarks mod on my site. Then I bookmark all active threads on my admin/OOC account. I also bookmark the threads a character is in with their character account because we modified the bookmark mod so that it shows bookmarks publicly on each account, effectively creating an "auto" tracker. All we have to do is click "add bookmark" in the right account, and voila! Thread tracker!

    I keep all of the threads bookmarked in the character accounts so I can read back through their stories whenever I want. But with my admin/OOC account, I delete threads from my bookmark list when they are finished, so that I have an up to date list of what threads I am currently in.

    I also like that SMF orders them from when they were last posted in, so that I can go up the list in order and I don't forget anybody! :D Very handy.

    On Jcink, I use the "track threads" function and on Proboards I use the Bookmarks function. I far prefer bookmarks to Jcink's function though. It's just not practical as a tracker so I end up having to make an actual thread for a tracker on Jcink sites and then I'm too lazy to keep it updated. lol
  13. FriedKilamari

    FriedKilamari Newcomer Game Owner

    I tend to use my brain to keep track of things. It might not be the best way, but over the years I've learned how many threads I can manage before I get overwhelmed.

    Thankfully, I also pretty much live on my site, so I frequently check for replies. My partners are also really good about letting me know when they've replied, which is awesome!

    I've also recently been playing around with a character portal that not only lets me keep track of which characters have threads, but also links to those threads! There's a lot I can do with it, which is pretty nice! That google spreadsheet suggestion was also great, but I feel like I'd be the kind of person who'd forget to update it, whoops.
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