How do you choose a thread title?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by KatherineEspair, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. VarnishedTruths

    VarnishedTruths Resident Game Owner

    I wish I were cool enough to claim song titles all the time, but I gotta be honest... puns. Lots of puns and plays on words. Because I am a dork.
  2. Death Kitten

    Death Kitten Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Game Owner

    I started using song lyrics on a lark, long long ago in the before time, and most of the people I've simmed with just don't get it. So it warms the cockles of my heart that so many of you in this thread do the same.

    Various things factor into which songs I pull from though. Certain characters associate with certain artists and genre, and I always try to find something related to the topic of the log. A few times, whole subplots or plots have played out with the same album, musical, or movie as the music source.

    Examples include pirate themed music for my pastafarian minister, noise and electronic stuff for my Ferengi engineer. I've used a lot of German lyrics (Rammstein & Eisbrecher) for the Romulan political intrigue plot we've had going on my ship, though I couldn't tell you why other than the lyrics fit the action. I did try to foreshadow with the title of a log recently, but no one was familiar with the title of the song I pulled the lyric from, so no one got it.
    Archaeon and VarnishedTruths like this.
  3. caity

    caity Newcomer

    I too usually use song lyrics of whatever I'm listening to. I've done that for as long as I can remember, it would be strange to change it now. (:
  4. Azzie

    Azzie Newcomer Game Owner

    If it's a plot related thread where i know where the thread should head, i try to think of something related to that. Otherwise, i just try to think up something that matches the starter post i'm writing.
  5. Maru

    Maru Newcomer

    I know a lot of people use song lyrics for titles but I've never been that good at picking out lyrics. So instead I write up my post which usually by the ends gives me a feel for what the title should be.
  6. beccaday02

    beccaday02 Newcomer

    I usually use song lyrics, or I write the post and pick a good line out of it.
  7. Featherstone

    Featherstone Resident Game Owner

    Literary or trope references are cool when you find one. Otherwise, basic descriptive title.
  8. Corinthian

    Corinthian Newcomer Game Owner

    I do love some puns. Either that or literary references (Promise and Promiscuity, anyone?), and if I'm totally stuck I occasionally trawl dictionaries of idioms to see if I can find a good one.
  9. Chay

    Chay Newcomer Game Owner

    Sometimes I prefer serious thread titles that describe the happenings of the thread to come, but if I can think of a silly name that captures the mood of a silly thread, I'll go for it.
  10. turnpages

    turnpages Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm terrible at coming up with thread titles. Whatever random phrase or lyric or basic description pops in my head first is what I end up using 80 percent of the time.
  11. Lure Master

    Lure Master Resident Game Owner

    I set the thread title as the goal of the adventure (story).

    For the OP's example of "Walking in the Park", I would ask why my character I am portraying is going to walk in the park. Is he/she soul searching? Then I would call it "A Stroll in the Park", as strolling implies taking ones time (perhaps due to thinking). Or, if my character feels isolated and did not want to be alone? It would depend on why he/she felt isolated, alone, perhaps the anniversary of someone's death? I would simply call it "The Park", which implies there is some special connection between my character, the one who passed, and the park.

    If you have the plot, you have the title, :)
    Elena likes this.
  12. Jakolope

    Jakolope Newcomer Game Owner

    Puns and lyrics and plays on phrases. *joins that club* I do try to make it significant of course but man I'm always embarrassed by my titles!
    Elena likes this.
  13. TheDemonDoors
    Anime Lover

    TheDemonDoors Newcomer Game Owner

    This might sound odd but I look up para titles on tumblr. I used to RP on tumblr but it's since become very cliquey and just... Blah, but some of their resources are unmatched.
  14. LunaDeSangre

    LunaDeSangre Newcomer Game Owner

    Lyrics or something that describes what is going on. I am not particularly picky about the title. I put my attention into the content of my post. The title comes as part of the last thought. It's not a big deal to me because I am looking to roleplay.
    Elena likes this.
  15. Idle Omens

    Idle Omens Newcomer Game Owner

    Depends solely on the story of it. Our group - Idle Omens - has this Dreamwidth game going, on hold until a member gets back from the hospital as he is playing one of our main antagonists, usually follows whatever I name them. Typically after whatever I am listening to, like the opening of the game now was while listening to the beautiful voice of Yuki Kajiura, In the Land of Twilight. Others are simply made by where we are at. Like [Town Name] - [This Place] - with all of the players summarizing their additions with each post.
  16. marniewings

    marniewings Newcomer

    sometimes its just about what im' listening to on the radio XD
  17. molzify

    molzify Newcomer Game Owner

    It depends, sometimes I have it flat and describe what my character is doing, other times its song lyrics that describe how my character(s) are feeling.
  18. saintarchangel

    saintarchangel Newcomer Game Owner

    another tough question! i usually like very short titles, so that they can be referred to later by name, like "haha you remember that one roleplay we had!.." .lately i named one of my threads simply "cyclic works" (my character was fixing a motorcycle). sometimes i like something little longer and more poetic, but i usually name my threads in pretty cryptic ways, haha...
    Elena likes this.
  19. TakodaVega
    Caffeine Fix

    TakodaVega Newcomer

    Most of my post titles are song titles or it may be a theme of the overall rp that I'm trying to convey.
    Elena likes this.
  20. ScottRyder

    ScottRyder Newcomer Game Owner
