
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Jabberwookie, Nov 20, 2021.

  1. Jabberwookie

    Jabberwookie Fresh Blood

    Hey there! I'm Jabberwookie, 30s, she/her, full time cryptid.

    I like roleplaying (obviously), and I'm fond of superheroes, pulp era themes, science fiction, mystery, and adventure. I do some art and personal writing as well, creative wise. I'm also a great big nerd for paleo life of any sort, weird animal facts, and mythology/folklore.

    A have a cat, and a room-mate, but I haven't quite figured out which one is which yet.

    I stumbled upon rpgfix through RPG-D. It looks like a cool place and I'm excited to get to know it and all of you!