Feedback on site stats section

Discussion in 'Support & Feedback' started by KhFanWriter9, Jun 23, 2021.

  1. KhFanWriter9
    No Mood

    KhFanWriter9 Resident Game Owner

    After being here a bit of years. While viewing my posted site's listing page vote, and view stats I don't like how the Like button has been completely removed. How are other sites getting likes now a days.
    Also the vote count stats have been removed which I also don't like.
    The changes on that page shouldn't had been messed with.
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    • Vote count numbers were removed because people were writing automated systems using them to cheat the voting system. They won't be coming back.
    • There never has been a distinguished Like button. It's a tiny "Like" link that is the same style you find on all forum posts. It's on the bottom of every site listing.
    Site listing like link:

    Forum post like link:

    The default styling of both of them on all site themes is pretty terrible though.