How many RPG mediums have you tried so far?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Shriker, Sep 1, 2014.


How many RPG mediums have you tried so far?

  1. Pen & Paper (D&D, GURPS, etc.)

  2. Live Action Roleplaying (LARP)

  3. Play-by-Post / Chat / PBeM

  4. Console Game (PlayStation, Xbox, Wii, etc.)

  5. Computer Game (Steam, MMOs, WoW, Eve, etc.)

  6. Mobile / Tablet

  7. Board Game

  8. Trading Card Game (MtG, etc.)

  9. Other

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Iztak

    Iztak Resident Game Owner

    Have to add to this now! I tried two Star Trek SIM/RPs that used Nova and while I see the appeal, I really struggled with the single shared document, especially since they didn't activate permissions that let you see others posts-in-progress. I really like that with forum RP you get to watch in real-time as other threads played out.
  2. Aisling

    Aisling Newcomer Game Owner

    I am a fan of Freeform writing (which i guess is play by post?) Terms are always a bit wonkey depending on where you started RPGs.

    I do love me a good RPG video game.
    Tabletop can be fun depending on the GM - but I had bad luck with that (my brothercaughcaugh)
  3. FerociousUniverse

    FerociousUniverse Newcomer Game Owner

    I have done everything but formal/structured LARP. I just love RP =D My favorites would have to be tabletop and forum/pbp. I have RPd on MMOs and I don't find the medium quite as immersive (not sure that's right) as other medium.
  4. Lavana

    Lavana Newcomer

    I’ve done pbp for about as long as I can remember that’s always been my number one medium, followed by Computer and Video game rpg. I think it was the original final fantasy series for Nintendo that got me hooked into pbp
  5. Silhouette

    Silhouette Newcomer Game Owner

    I've been RPing on play-by-post forums for around 14 years now, it actually helped improve my writing skills a lot when I was in school. I'm talking a kid that usually got 60-70's for writing suddenly boosting up to 90-100's in just a year of writing. It was really great for me.

    I've also always been a gamer, ever since I got my first Super Nintendo at the age of 4. My favourite RPing games are Bioware games.

    Never partook in anything else on that list. I've been on-and-off curious about DnD but, even though my social network is very nerd-y (game designers) I don't actually have a group of friends that really play DnD. It's weird haha.
  6. Elzeothis

    Elzeothis Newcomer Game Owner

    I feel like some kind of weird glutton, ticking every box - but, I've been doing this for a very long time...
  7. NyxDarklore

    NyxDarklore Newcomer Game Owner

    PBP, Tabletop, Computer/Console, & Board Games. Most of what I do is forum based these days, but that does not mean I don't still love the rest of them.
  8. hitokuchiroleplay

    hitokuchiroleplay Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm all about the forum, but I'm really liking the discord thing these days.
  9. ladyquack

    ladyquack Newcomer Game Owner

    I love PBP, but also a fan of console and computer games.
  10. TheDoorman

    TheDoorman Newcomer

    I started with console RPGs but I guess never really thought of what it meant that they were "roleplaying" until I started text roleplaying later. Jeff Vogel's Exile computer RPGs (later Avernum) had a big developmental impact on me, though, and I think set me up to jump into text roleplaying, based on his deep written descriptions and gritty and weird NPCs.
  11. PbP mostly, forums at that - though I've dabbled a bit in chat/discord and pen and paper. PbP is far more engaging, at least to me.
  12. sef

    sef Newcomer

    for me: forum based, tumblr, instagram, amino, discord. i think that's it!