Welcome to RPGfix!
I've been on FlightRising since its first public registration window. I sometimes remember I have a GPXPlus and DragCave account and the rest are...
I've been playing since it came out and would frequent it at uni because it was a hotspot for stops and gyms. It was also just a great place to...
I like both but I'm more partial to cats
I love to put my characters on a theme. For most of them, the name is fitting into their aesthetic somehow. But for others, I like to make up...
I don't have many consoles but PC and 3DS
I used to be heavy on mint chocolate chip, cotton candy, and cookie dough. More recently I've been into chocolate banana, apple (hirosaki...
Coffee has a kind of..meaty..? Taste to it? I prefer tea, it's fragrant and i like my leaf water
I became friends with someone on a forum and he introduced me to roleplay. I think my first roleplay was a Percy Jackson one and I had fun with it...
I love fantasy roleplays!
I'm Yuki! I'm an artist and I also love to build up characters within the realms of fantasy! Creating characters built up an interest in making...