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Hastur Carcosa has submitted a site to the directory: Coldwall Springs - An Oldwest Supernatural Steampunk Role play in a small town with a lot of...
No no poppet, please by all means, continue to worship me, this is fine!
My first board had trouble getting off the ground as my coder was a little bit of a slacker and whenever I'd ask for her help, she'd promise she'd...
Free hosted can be good for when you're first starting out, it doesn't give you total control but it gives you enough that you can get things off...
My favourite games are pretty much the Metal Gear Solid series, Super Smash Brothers series, and the Fallout Series. Yeah, I like a lot of Series...
I don't ever drink Coffee, I haven't had coffee in probably eleven years or so. Tea on the other hand I do so enjoy, I went tea snob a few years...
Yeah I can't wait for the Hobbit 2, that is going to be an amazing movie. The first one didn't deviate too far from the actual book so I mean,...
Master Hastur works for me Lady B! 8D I've heard American Gods is pretty good too, been meaning to get around to it, one day though! Zack, yes,...
I started role playing at 12 on MSN Chats. Oh man I am so embarrassed of those old days...I sadly retired the two characters that I actually made...
I'd recommend Burn Notice, Boston Legal, The Newsroom, Scrubs, The Big Bang Theory, and Kingdom. All just terrific shows. Boston Legal is a...
I currently have a domestic short hair grey cat named Gracie, she's almost 3 years old and has been 9 pounds for about 1 and a half of them, so...
My favourite was actually the collaboration with Terry Pratchet, Good Omens, though I really enjoyed what bit of Sandman I actually got to read...
I bid to all a fond hello, for I am new, and you are probably not. Call me Hastur, call me Master, Don't really call me Mastur though because...