Welcome to RPGfix!
We are still going strong. Come join us for more Ancient Rome RP Goodness! <3
Site name: Aeterna Roma Character associated with: Claudia Caesaris Daphne Age: 25-35 Nationality: Open Personality: Bubbly, good natured and...
<3 It is touching to see AeRo on there. I have been checking out Rivers Run and several other sites on that list too. <3
Cookies and cream.
When I find myself stressed out far more than I am enjoying the site or I can't really keep track of anything. Usually it means that I need to...
Doing a few extra posts and upping my advertising campaigns.
Fallout 4 and 7 Days to Die.
Discord is great. I had my doubts about it originally and now I am in love. I still use Facebook, Twitter and some others. Occasionally it...
It depends. I regularly RP on forums so those are my main sources of RP goodness. IPS is my favourite. Although I've played on all kinds.
I've heard that Horse Reality is having issues with the in game market and things have stagnated. I haven't signed up for it yet though.
Historical ficiton and post-apoc for me.
Hello everyone, I'm a 31 year old rper who loves delving into historical and post-apoc rpgs. I own AeRo and RP at Roleplay Architects. I...