The Shift

Modern Fantasy/Horror RP Forum

The universe is a clockwork device of many cycles and rhythms. Some, like the human life, are so short lived that they are but a speck in time. And yet there are much larger cycles, some that the human mind in it's limited understanding cannot possibly hope to grasp in a single lifetime. Time's arrow, forever pointing into a future uncertain, seemed wholly unpredictable to the empiricists and the pragmatics.
That was until The Great Year ended on December 21st, 2012, just like the Mayans predicted. Just like the gurus in India predicted with their Yuga cycle. We all thought that the world was going to end that night; man were we in for a huge surprise...
The veil between the hidden universe, a sister to our own, lifted, and with it, the world was flooded in a tsunami of magic, the supernatural, and the stuff of our collective dreams and nightmares. Overnight, demons ran amuck in the streets along side of beasts that we only read about in fantasy novels. A variety of abilities emerged in the human species, chaos and anarchy ruled, lives lost, the world forever changed... we are left with shattered pieces of a world that is long gone. So familiar and yet so alien. So optimistic and terrifying all at once. So hopeful and desperate at the same time. Ours is a world of a great number of contradictions where natural law no longer applies. Magic, the one true ruler, is scarce enough to be coveted by all, yet abundant enough to make this world a little more livable.