The Creation Corner

High Fantasy and Modern Fantasy

The Creation corner has two different settings to Roleplay as well as a category dedicated to posting of stories and getting reviews. We have a short app, easy to fill and accept apps from other forums as long as the points in our app are filled. There is no minimum word count, though at least one paragraph is required. Playbys aren’t required, but encouraged. They can be anything from celeb to drawings (just no unknown real people).High Fantasy:
A woman has got to do what she needs to survive. To Viela, survival was closely linked to the well being of the Assassin guild. The headmistress saw the peace treaty being signed by rulers of three kingdoms as a threat to her own life. Peace meant less to do for the Assassins, but peace also meant that the surface would become a very boring place. She certainly wouldn’t let that happen under her rule of the Assassin guild.
Her plan was very simple; getting rid of the people who had the authority to sign the treaty. Doing so would cause chaos over who would become the next ruler and stall the peace negotiations. As a bonus, people looking for the killers would most likely make accusations, which would throw oil on an already burning fire. Viela selected a few of her best Psi Wizards, and planned the whole event so that it could not be traced to one individual or a specific racial group. She used her eyes and ears throughout the realms to learn when and where the signing would happen and freed her assassins on them.
Although the guild suffered the loss of a few of their best members, but Viela considered the mission a success. The human king and his wife had been killed by an elven longbow. The elves had been roughly beheaded and the dwarves were hung after being knocked unconscious. Although it was way too odd for anyone to believe that they had killed each other, there was no trail as to who could have done this. Viela believed time would come where she would have to pay for what she had done, but that was not about to happen and she sure would put up a good fight before going down.
Until then, she would continue to watch over the world, to witness how low surface races could get when it came to gaining power and be amused by the show they would make out of it. The people struggle, the rise to power in these chaotic times proves to be difficult and the Assassin guild has its hand full.
Over 15 races and classes to pick from, this setting allows you all the freedom you need to create your dream character.Modern Fantasy:
Mundanes think they're on the top of the food chain, that they are the only sentient race on the planet. If only they knew... A different world lies behind the glamour set up by Downworlders and Shadowhunters alike.
Warlocks, Witches, Vampires and Werewolves, Fairies and Shadowhunters are hiding in plain sight. Most manage to live lives that are close to normal, being "mainstream". Some are in places of power and manage to manipulate the mortals discreetly, like a very subtle sheepherder, but there are the others who wish to lead the cattle in a more obvious way.
This is a The Mortal Instrument AU RP where Valentine has not resurfaced. No canons from the books accepted.