
futuristic/original human RPG

Plot / Setting / Home

[blockquote][blockquote]The land of Koreveas is not constrained to only that terrain. People have taken to the skies, and gone deep underwater - over the years creating magnificent and wholly self-sufficient settlements in these places.

Nowadays, tensions are beginning to rise, some people wanting what other settlements have. The Altrius people of the sky, the Lleingas people of the land, and the Zuvan people of the deep seas... You can choose to simply live it up in your place of choice - or you can jump into the thick of things and start a war!

Who will you be, and what will you do - the world of Koreveas is yours to share!

  • Friendly staff with 10ish years combined experience
    New and expanding, looking to be big and active
    Literate-Advanced. I and my co-admin post in the 700-1,000 word range on average and its frustrating to get 100 words in reply - and so there is an expectation that you can post at least two paragraphs (four sentences each) per reply.
    The plot is very open/specific -- depending on what kind of character you make you can join the circus and do whatever you darn well please, or you can form a close political party and plot to take over another settlement... there is an entire world, and in need only of unique people and personalities to populate it ^^

    But, in summation, the plot is in formation, and with adulation, we accept your registration and participation in the creation of a better... thing