1. Your place to buy, sell, and trade on RPGfix. Here you may market your goods and services for real world money, or digital game currency (if the game allows for it).

    1. You must be a full member (10+ posts) of RPGfix to start a thread on this board.
    2. Please do not bump threads. (A cleaner solution for bumping threads is coming!)
    3. Use at your own risk. RPGfix will not get involved in disputes between buyers and sellers.
    4. Use caution. Always use an escrow service (like escrow.com) when you are buying something from someone you do not know.
    5. Learn the rules. Familiarize yourself with the Buy / Sell / Trade Rules before creating or responding to a thread.
    6. If something sounds too good to be true, it is. Protect yourself and your wallet.

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Buy, sell, or trade services.

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